Happy New Year – Start Running!

janusI am reminded that January is named for the Roman God Janus, pictured as looking forward and backward.  Once we are past our childhood, it seems inevitable that the New Year causes us to reflect on the year gone by and anticipate the year ahead.  It is a time for resolutions and plans.

As I look back on the year, it was marked with several professional and personal accomplishments.  My third book for ALA Editions, School Librarian’s Career Planner (my first book for the profession done without my long time co-author Ruth Toor) was released in June.  The issue of Knowledge Quest on “Dewey or Don’t We” for which I was guest editor has encouraged the debate on the topi,c and I expect the discussion will continue.  School Librarian’s Workshop, a passion of mine, continues to reach new  librarians.  Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/57409801076 has 479 members as of this writing, and I am looking forward to the 500th member joining. (We have a gift planned for that person!)

In addition, as I have written about, I reached a long held personal as well as professional goal with the publication of my first YA fantasy novel, Woven through Time, on October 9.  I was overjoyed to get three five-star reviews for it on Amazon—and am hoping for more.  Perhaps some author visits or book signings are in my future.

alice runningBut as Alice was told when she was in Wonderland, you need to run just to remain in place.  To get anywhere, you need to run even faster. So I am looking toward my goals and plans for 2014. The year will begin with ALA Midwinter in February where I will be busy with Affiliate Assembly and chairing my AASL Committee on Advocacy among other meetings.  In February I will be heading to San Diego where I will be presenting two pre-con workshops on Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings at the California School Librarian’s Association Conference. I love connecting with new librarians around the country, so if you are interested in having me present or keynoteat your state’s conference, please email me at hilda@slworkshop.net.

To doAlso on my to-do list for 2014 is working on the second edition of New on the Job for ALA Editions.  I anticipate a November publication date.  There will hopefully be two writing retreats with my writers group where I plan to get started on a sequel to Woven through Time and see what I can do about a long-stalled book called The Golden Dragon.

Most of all, I look forward to time with my husband of fifty-one years, my daughter and her family (including two grandsons) and my son and his boys—although the oldest, now 16 doesn’t look very boyish at 6’3”+.   Family and friends are always on my agenda.  They make it all worthwhile.

Happy New Year to you all.  May 2014 bring you more of your dreams.

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